About Our Programs
There are two master degrees offered within our program: Masters of Science in Games and Playable Media and Masters of Science in Serious Games. Both programs are 5 quarter (15 months) degrees focused on combining technical and design innovation–to create novel possibilities for the games of today, to enable new types of games, and to explore a wide variety of next-generation playable experiences.
Who Are We Looking For?
Both degree programs will admit students who have a strong and diverse portfolio that showcase your creative skills. A background in computer science and knowledge of games is strongly recommended but not required. Target students include industry professionals seeking new knowledge (e.g., advanced AI techniques) and/or wanting to experience new roles (e.g., engineers seeking a move into design) as well as talented recent undergraduates who have completed technically-focused game degrees or computer science degrees.
What Do The Programs Include?
Making Innovative Games for Entertainment or Social Good
A project-oriented, year-long course sequence in which students create innovative games, working in teams, critiqued and mentored by the program faculty.
Dedicated Placement & Professional Development
Professional development courses that help students understand the core issues for working in, managing, or founding a game development team or indie studio (who also works to place help outgoing students find jobs or establish startups). The program helps place graduating students in industry jobs.
Wide Breadth of Tech Electives
Elective courses from the graduate curriculum of a research university with a leading game program (including areas such as machine learning, human-computer interaction, game AI, security, databases, graphics and animation, natural-language interaction, computer vision, robotics, computational cinematography, etc). Students can learn how to datamine playtraces, generate levels, drive animatronics, and more.
Media Creation Foundations
Specific courses in game art, game sound, and game narrative designed to give students the knowledge they need to create compelling prototypes and indie games, as well as the vocabulary necessary for communicating and collaborating with arts professionals.
Silicon Valley Campus
Deep interaction—including project collaboration and critique—with the wealth of game and technology talent located in the Silicon Valley / San Francisco Bay Area in particular and the West Coast generally.
Companies That Have Hired Our Recent Graduates
Want to Learn More?
If you have questions or would like to schedule a visit, don’t hesitate to contact us at msgames@ucsc.edu for more information. We can’t wait to hear from you!