Serious Games Prof. Magy Seif El-Nasr Publishes Definitive Book on Game Data Science


Game Data Science, the definitive book on deriving insights from game data, launches today. Published by Oxford University Press, the book is available for purchase on Amazon.

Written by Prof. Magy Seif El-Nasr, with collaborators Trong-Huy Nguyen Dinh, Alessandro Canossa, and Anders Drachen, Game Data Science provides a revolutionary framework to comprehend and utilize game data for many types of users, including professionals, academics, and students. The book weaves theoretical learning with practical examples extracted from lab settings and real-life game data to demonstrate how to best use game data to enhance the production, design and development processes.

As an added bonus, the book’s Foreword was written by David Helgason, Founder of Unity. Helgason provides great insight into the need for collaborative use of game data, and how this much-needed skill is evolving into corporate practice. To borrow a quote from Helgason, “data without code is just a PowerPoint”.